Monday, March 02, 2009


We will gather
With music interspersed
With silent reflection
Hearts hungry for words
That lift and redeem

We will read
Letters and poems
Written long ago
By other hearts overflowing
With Your Love and life

We will wait
Our hands outstretched
Our souls reaching upward
For Your heart to turn toward us
For rain and fire to fall

We will listen
Expecting Your voice to
Free captives and heal wounds
To remind us
You know our names

We will declare
Your kingdom has come
And Your kingdom is coming
Your victory is already complete
Even as the battle is raging

We will know
Who You are and thus who we are
We will soak in Your presence
Your fire will purify us
And we will be forever changed

1 comment:

amber said...

umm. not sure how to explain how much i love this. gives me goosebumps every time i read it. and i read it once a day. beautiful job. divine inspiration?